Visitors 81
Created 21-Feb-09
244 photos
List of all the birds in my galleries, in the order they appear in The Sibley Guide To Birds. Click on the Gallery link to see more images of the bird. Use the back button on your browser to return to the index.
Red-throated Loon
Common Loon
Yellow-billed Loon
American White Pelican
Brown Pelican
Horned Grebe in Winter Plumage
Eared Grebe
Red-necked Grebe
Pied-billed Grebe
Western Grebe
Clark's Grebe
Brandt's Cormorant
Double-crested Cormorant
Pelagic Cormorant
American Bittern
Great Blue Heron
Great Egret
Snowy Egret
Green Heron
Black-crowned Night Heron