Visitors 42
Created 18-Jul-09
0 photos
These pictures of tadpoles are taken in the pond on our property. It is surrounded by trees and quite dark. Most photographs are at high ISO and slow shutter speeds. And of course, the subjects are under water so the photographs are not really good, but I thought they were interesting.
The Pacific Treefrog is the one most frequently seen and heard on our property. The other frog I've identified on our property is the Red-Legged Frog. I've not tried to identify the tadpoles by specie except in one case where it is clearly a Treefrog.
There is another group of tadpoles that I believe are Salamander tadpoles. I've identified them as such with a question mark. We have found many Long-toed Salamanders on the property so I would guess that is what they are. I would be happy to hear from anyone who can positively identify them.